
I loved these, Gayle.

Does anyone else get asked, in ever such a nice, concerned, caring voice
"Are you sure you're doing the right thing for your kids by
homeschooling them?" This has got to be my most hated question of all,
from all my 14 years of homeschooling. It is soooo rude. Do they really
think I'm such a creep I'd do it if I didn't think it was for the best?
But I've perfected the answer:

"Oh hell, no! But you know those little $#@%&s made me suffer so much in
childbirth that I decided there and then that I'd make them suffer too!
So I keep them home and deprive them of all that neat stuff at school
just to pay them back for all that childbirth pain. I torture them
daily, and I beat them several times a week to remind them what will
happen when we get home if they don't look real happy when we're out.
Yes sir, I'm having a wonderful time making them pay for all that pain"

When I finally pause to draw breath, the questioner invariably blushes
and says "I guess that was a silly question, wasn't it?" And sometimes
we even go on to have a meaningful discussion about education!
