
Hello Nance, Amy, Bonnie, Sue, Cindy, and others! I enjoy just hearing that
you are out there, living your lives in a similar way, so I can get ideas
or just say "that sounds neat" or "me too." I forgot to get specific
earlier, so here are some things I want to know your thoughts on:
What's your approach to reading? My daughter is almost 6 and has been on
the verge of reading for awhile without really taking off yet. Do you just
read to them until they figure it out? Do you talk about some of the sounds
letters make or ignore phonics completely? Have regular reading practice
where I listen to her and tell her the words or never ask her to read
unless it's her idea? Cindy, it sounds like you have a very advanced
reader, what are Ruth Beechick books and BOB books? I don't mean to sound
like I'm rushing it, but there's so much she can explore on her own when
she can read.

Does anyone have some thoughts on unschooling music or giving music
lessons? My daughter has expressed interest in playing the piano and my
sister, my mother, and I can all play and so there's plenty of free
teachers, but I want her to love music too, so I'm uncertain about lessons
(I took lessons until about age 10, then hated having to practice). I've
read that playing an instrument is beneficial in both emotional and
intellectual ways, but I also read that a lot of the best musicians are

Thanks for your input!
Becky in AR