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Latest Strongbad
[news] -  AmericanMaid - @ 12:16 pm
well, it was about time again, the latest strongbad cartoon is absolutely the
best. If you have ever played any video games back in the old days, you must
watch this… Gives me some good ideas for my own game, if I ever get around to
coding it 
PS. if you ever were as addicted to Zork as I was, you must play Thy
Dungeonman at the end…


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How far did you get in Dungeonman? I “won”, but I couldn’t figure out what
to do with the rope or the flask.
Comment by Jesse Ruderman — 1/12/2004 @ 10:28 pm

not sure what to do with the flask, however you can hang yourself with the
rope “take rope” I think was the command I used… Too funny. Kicking Dennis did
not work either 
Comment by AmericanMaid — 1/13/2004 @ 9:10 am

you can TALK to dennis, GIVE TRINKET to dennis, and that’s about it. I worked
for almost an hour running basic text-based RPG commands, and barely any
worked. You can look at stuff (LOOK at FLASK) but the reaction is always the same.
I even tried ‘RUN STRONG_BAD_EMAIL.EXE’ and stuff like that. No good.
Comment by Jayzer — 1/14/2004 @ 5:25 pm

Try grabbing the flask a couple more times…after a couple of tries you can
finally grab it and something happens.
Comment by D Mann — 1/15/2004 @ 8:12 am

Or you can just say “get flask”, and it gets it.
My list of commands:
“Direction” — Goes a direction, such as north, south, dennis, or not dennis.
Must type the name of the direction in place of direction.
“Get ___” — Used to get an item.
“Take ____” — Used to take an item. See “Get ___”
“Dance” — This one’s great. Makes you dance.
“Talk ____” — Talks to someone/thing. If you choose someone who’s not a
registered person to talk to, it brings up a funny message. ("Talk someone from
“Look ___” — Looks at something. If it doesn’t have a pre-set message, it
brings up a default.
“Go ____” — Same as direction. If it’s not a pre-set direction, you get a
default message.
That’s all I can recall. There’s probably more I know, but they’re not
springing to mind.
Comment by The Great Moo — 1/15/2004 @ 11:09 am