The White's

Sorry for the delay, I'm behind as usual. We have been living in a VERY
rural area of VA for the last 3+ years, having moved here from the Charlotte

I grew up north of Charlotte when we were still able to have horses and my
grandfather had cows and a small farm, so I was somewhat prepared. The ONLY
thing I've not become accustomed to is how just going to the grocery store
or the library will consume your entire day. We live about 20 minutes from
a very small town (1 grocery store) and about 40 minutes from a small city
so we drive a lot.

It takes over an hour to get to a "real" city which is where we do shopping
other than Walmart/grocery stuff and where all our doctors are.

One other thing I would recommend you think about before moving is to think
about the area you're moving to in terms of lifestyle. I don't know a very
tactful way to say this, but it's very difficult being open-minded and
liberal living in a very conservative area. As I'm sure it would be for a
conservative family to move to a overtly liberal community.

There are lots of farmers here, but no organic farmers, no health food
stores or co-ops. Everyone is "categorized" by the church they attend.
There is no "sign-up" day for little league, you call the coach & ask to be
on his team, so naturally there is always "the best" team. And virtually
all of the homeschoolers are conservative, school-at-home Christians. At
least in the city, or nearer to one, you can find more like-minded
people.....I am the only unschooler here. Luckily I've made a couple of
other more liberal friends, homeschoolers who are eclectic and open-minded,
but we are definitely in the minority. And it's hard.

Just something else to think about.....good luck with your move.


The White's

<mama@...> wrote:

>Cindy where in rural Va are you?I live outside of >Keysville,Va.Deb in Va

Hi Deb,
I'm in Patrick County, not far from the NC border. The small city I
mentioned is Martinsville, the small town is Stuart. We're about 20 minutes
from the parkway.....where is Keysville?