[email protected]

Thanks for sharing you life with us. My kids are 3 and 1 so we are not
pressured with any schooling ideas, yet. I have noticed that when I write in
my journal about the things that we did during the day that I feel better
that I am already giving my kids a good start on their education. For
example, each time we take the dog for a walk and my dd picks flower weeds I
have to explain why they are going to die, (stems to roots to that is how
they eat...ect.ect.ect...)

just my thoughts...
Happy Mothering,
Mommy to Ali and Matthew, Wife to a Great Man, Adam
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"It helps me to remember that people are more important than ideas and that
being kind is more important than being right."
-Peggy O'Mara, Publisher of Mothering Magazine.