[email protected]

In a message dated 6/1/00 10:45:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
HPaulson5@... writes:

<< cloud rice syrup >>
hey tell me more about this....I am looking for a natural sweetener. I have
a strong sweet tooth and need an alternative to refined sugar. My hubby is
the same way conserning sweets.

>>The Spirited Child book, I I was amazed at how my son fits the
description!! I
am looking forward to reading all of these;>>

I was too about my dd, dh, and myself!

>>So, if any of you are dealing with food allergies and considering having
more children, watch your diet when you're pregnant. The biggest thing I
learned was to not eat
the same foods all the time and not eating only craved foods>>

I think my little got it from then too....pregnant...I ate tons of dairy,
wheat and eggs, all the thing he is having problems with..but then these are
the most high allergic items. so who knows.