[email protected]

In a message dated 6/1/00 8:33:44 AM Central Daylight Time, elsas2@...

<< Also just wanted to add that peanut butter is a very
pesticide laden crop as well (not to mention moldy)
one should always buy organic.

Hi Jill, Yes, now I have learned that peanuts, when roasted in cottonseed
oil, and peanut butter are bad, too. Are reg. peanuts when roasted in the
shell ok? I'm starting to wonder if anything is safe to eat or drink. I
have given up chocolate a year ago, soft drinks (since March), all caffeine,
sugar, white bread, grapes, bacon, frozen dinners, processed meats and
cheeses, chips;and while I am learning how to stabilize my blood sugar, I
don't eat potatoes or corn or white rice, either. I have to eat about every
2 hrs, but it seems as if the options are narrowing. In my hypoglycemic
books, there are lists of specific fruits I cannot have due to the high
fructose levels, and specific vegetables to be very leery of due to the high
glycemic /starch levels. So, I feel like I keep giving foods up, only to
find the ones that seem ok, are still bad., like strawberries. I want to eat
healthy, most of all, but I don't know what actually is safe now. Does
anyone feel this way? Well, it's time for a snack... I think I'll have some
cheddar cheese. According to the Hypo-G book, it's a good choice. I am
nursing a baby, and have got to eat foods that will give some "sustenance",
so I hope I won't learn now that this is terrible, too. :) ~Karen