[email protected]

Okay...I'll just say it...my kids are driving me nuts. I guess it's them -
maybe it's me. Everyone seems so lazy, and I'm not just talking about when
it comes to so called educational stuff. They won't pick up after themselves
and when I ask them to, they act like I've asked them to cut off an arm or
something. My son argues with EVERYTHING I say, and he complains about
almost everything we do, even if it's something he'll end up enjoying. And
the kids fight constantly. I don't think they used to fight as much as they
do now. I'm not sure, but it seems like it's gotten worse since the baby was
born 15 months ago. It's hard for me to ignore the constant bickering,
believe me - I've tried, and I just can't do it. I have to say I haven't
been behaving much better myself lately. My temper has become incredibly
short, and I find myself yelling about the smallest of things. I don't have
much time for myself, and I usually don't mind too much about that, but it's
been a real source of irritation lately. When I try to sneak off to do my
own thing, it never fails someone finds me, and seems to take delight in
disrupting me. I love my family dearly and I'm commited to making
homeschooling work for us. We've only recently begun to experiment with
unschooling...maybe that's part of the problem. So, tell me...what am I
doing wrong? I need help!
