[email protected]

Have you seen the expandagon sets? We recently bought one of these for my 6
year old nephew and he loved it. Their website is <A HREF="www.hoberman.com">www.hoberman.com</A>, I think.

You also might check out the Capsela building sets...they are so cool and
they come in different degrees of difficulty. Take a look at them on these sites
<A HREF="www.builditplayit.com">www.builditplayit.com</A>, <A HREF="www.constructionstoys.com">www.constructionstoys.com</A>, <A HREF="www.discoverythis.com">www.discoverythis.com</A> or <A HREF="www.brain-builders.com">

Denise, temporarily popping out of lurkdom <g>

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