Tia Graham

. When I stopped just leaving other people's stuff
around for them to notice and pick up, and just started doing it myself,
noticed they started picking up more.>>

It was a happy day when I started using all the time I was "nagging" at
them to put away thier clothes and just started doing it myself! What a
time saver. I was the only one who cared that much that they go away
"right now". So I started doing it "right now", which was really alot
faster because all that nag-time was missing! And now...they see thier
clothes and take them back on the way to their room. Maybe once I stopped
making it an issue, they felt free to.

Tia in Fl

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**It was a happy day when I started using all the time I was "nagging"
at them to put away thier clothes and just started doing it myself!**

My husband dislocated his shoulder when our son was only a few weeks
old. And for several weeks there after he was unable to hold the baby,
so he couldn't carry him to the bathroom for diaper changes. Even
though I was exhausted post-partum, I actually did find it easier to
change every single diaper, by necessity, than to "negotiate" with him.
The negotiating and the nagging were more exhausting, truthfully. I
was certainly surprised to discover this.

Nagging is more misery-inducing, even in the nagger, than a diaper full
of sh*t. That's something for me to remember when the nagging mood
strikes! <g>


Tia Graham

<<Nagging is more misery-inducing, even in the nagger, than a diaper full

of sh*t. That's something for me to remember when the nagging mood
strikes! <g>

Hee hee...what a word picture! :-) Tia in Fl

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