[email protected]

Thanks, Jackie... Last summer he begged us to let him play t-ball. Although
we were hesitant, we signed him up, and he ended up not participating much
at all. We helped him by coaching first and third bases, even standing with
him at the homeplate so that he would bat!!! It just was something he could
not let him relax and do, and after about 4-5 games, we decided that we would
not continue. Even though he would not play, and would not bat, he still
wanted to go, but we felt it was not in his best interest or ours, as we were
getting very frustrated with it all. I have to say, honestly, that it was
embarrassing,too. I felt like we were being judged by all of the other
parents, and it got to be so uncomfortable. (Being very pregnant at the time
with all the hormones coursing through me, did not help, either :) I am
really trying to handle things like this more confidently now, though, as I
realize that chances are he would have warmed up to the t-ball games, and
would have become less scared about participating, even if it took waiting
until the last game to see it possibly happen. My feelings (and my dh's) got
the best of us, for sure!
Karen in Ind