[email protected]

re: helping oneself through helping others --

Ayn Rand calls this idea "enlightened self-interest" because in her
philosophy, choosing to help others is good for both parties (as opposed to
self-sacrifice) or else it wouldn't "work" and be such a big part of most
religions and philosophies. :) JJ

ddzimlew@... writes:

> Being kind and helpful to others helps ourselves.
> If you are kind to your neighbor, take her cookies when she moves in,
> offer to watch her kids (if you like them) let her borrow stuff and have
> her in for coffee, you are much more likely to get the same kind of
> treatment from her.
> If you're mean and grumpy and complaining about her weeds, she might not
> be so willing to overlook the fact that your dog barks at six AM and your
> kids play noisily right outside her window when she's trying to watch her
> favorite show and the old clunker you drive is an eyesore.
> Being kind benefits us right now and makes life easier. You are much
> more likely to get help when you need it if you are known as someone who
> offers help to others.
> *** Put out all the negative energy you want, doesn't affect
> life... ***
> Harming others affects their lives. And it affects the life of the
> person who did the hurting. If it was criminal he goes to jail. It it
> was just nasty others will know him for his actions and won't be as
> willing to offer their friendship, help, or courtesy to him.
> It's not even a reward or punishment you have to wait until you're dead
> for. It's a right now kind of thing.

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