[email protected]

In a message dated 9/23/2003 7:43:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:
I used to work with an older man and the two of us interviewed new employees
together. He was a slow-moving, methodical, ex-military,
lawn-mowing guy. I was a zippy hippy. We liked each other, but we didn't
interview together so well. He used to say (slowly) if you take the time to
a thing right the first time, you won't have to do it twice. A couple of
times I said right after him, "But if you do it fast enough you'll have time
do it twice, and if you did it right the first time you can do something

Ben and me. Ben's so s-l-o-w and methodical and linear. I'm a
bit...um.....fast-and-hectic-and-all-over-the-place. Overall, we balance each other out. I
exhaust him; he keeps me twiddling my thumbs more often than not. Sometimes I
wonder why I ever did this to myself!<G> But over-all it's good. He just needs
to speed up! <BWG>


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