Alyce -

Hi all! I'm new to this list, though know some of you in "real life"
and recognize a lot of names from other lists I'm on.

My name is Alyce, I have 3 kids - 2 of "school" age, and one who's older
and trying to find her way/direction in life at the present...
Technically I'd say she's being unschooled as well, though the law at
this point doesn't require she be "schooled" at all.
I was avoiding the whole beliefs thread because trying to discuss that
sort of ultimately abstract "thing" is hard using words... And in the
end gives me a big fat headache. BUT I got drawn into to it even
scrolling past at a relatively high rate of speed... I was compelled to
add "Illusions, the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah" by Richard Bach
is probably my all time favorite book. I've owned several copies... I
keep lending them out and they never come back to me. :) The first
copy I gave away about 20 years ago to a man (boy then - we were
teenagers) I ended up marrying 2 years ago this Halloween. I find that
interesting and it only just occurred to me in this writing. Anyway...
That's neither here nor there as I'm sure nobody wants to hear the
meandering tale of the last 20 years of my life. Finally, Holly, I
couldn't have said it better myself and I'd be loathe to try. That's
