Linda Dobson


Work on a new book begins, this time focused on the first year in
homeschooling. To this end, I turn to the vast pool of homeschooling
experts across the country ? YOU! - who will receive a complimentary
copy when your ideas are included. So that we can show the variety of
ways people homeschool, I’m looking for ideas from many people on
several different topics outlined below. Please feel free to respond to
one or several of them ? the sky’s the limit!

RESPOND TO: ldobson@... with the appropriate subject line. If
you are answering two different topics, please send separately with the
appropriate subject line. OR Snail Mail: Linda Dobson, POB 85, Rainbow
Lake, NY 12976
Either way you respond, please include your name, city and state of
residence, and information on how I may contact you, if necessary
(phone, address, and ? best - email).

DEADLINE: June 1, 2000. But don't delay! Your contributions to this
advocacy are appreciated as the priceless gifts they are. Please feel
free to share this message with your friends and support group.

What one thing do you wish someone had told you during your first year
of homeschooling?
Hope everybody answers this one! Be brief, be long. Be funny, be
serious; share what you’ve learned.

EMAIL SUBJECT LINE: Learning Activity
Share a learning activity your children really enjoyed ? science,
history, games, in the car learning games, backyard games, spelling,
math, painless trigonometry - WHATEVER! From tots to teens! Provide a
brief description of the activity, what you feel your child(ren) got out
of it, and your child(ren)’s reaction or results.

EMAIL SUBJECT LINE: Hurdles Overcome
Share a story or two about a first year problem you had to overcome in
order to homeschool. Include (but please don’t be limited to!) deciding
to work or not to work, creating a business at home, learning to
simplify, working out a schedule (even if it means homeschooling from
midnight to 3 AM!), continuing special services from the school, missed
friends, no chance at sports participation…(this list could be endless!)

EMAIL SUBJECT LINE: Homeschooling’s Diversity
Helping readers get a "feel" for the following approaches. Your note
should include the approach you use, whether or not your children were
in school prior to homeschooling, and a brief explanation of why you
chose this route. I’ll contact you for more info!
1) Traditional school-at-home
2) Classical education
3) Eclectic or relaxed
4) Interest-initiated or unschooling
5) Charlotte Mason
6) Online curriculum
7) Public school-sponsored homeschooling program (including charter
8) Independent co-operative learning situations
9) Did I forget any? Let me hear about it!

EMAIL SUBJECT LINE: Common First Year Experiences
Giving readers a heads-up on what to expect. Your note should include
concrete examples of the experiences you have now learned are fairly
common to beginning homeschoolers. Please note if you:
1) Started at the beginning (with a youngster who never went to school)
2) Brought a child home from school

EMAIL SUBJECT LINE: Why I Came to Homeschooling
Helping readers understand the many reasons families choose
homeschooling. Your note should include a brief explanation of whether
or not your children were in school prior to homeschooling and your own
family’s situation at the time of your choice. I’ll contact you for
more info!
1) Proactively ? thought homeschooling was a great idea, wanted to
spend time with your kids, for whatever reason find philosophical
agreement with the approach, aware that public schools are succeeding in
their intended results, etc.
2) Reactively ? came to homeschooling as a reaction to dumbed-down
academics, safety concerns, bullying, "new assessment stress," or other
reactions to a public school education.
3) Reluctantly ? came to homeschooling because your child was truant,
dropped out or in jeopardy of dropping out, extended illness, child
doesn’t want to homeschool, angry child, noticed school-induced
problems, other??
4) Part-time or temporarily ? came to homeschooling as a supplement to
school, came to homeschooling knowing it was only a temporary move,