[email protected]

lisa writes <<Anyway my problem is my mom. She just

totally opposes the idea of homeschooling especially unschooling.>>

moms can be so influential, no matter what our age! amazing. it reminds me
about being a mother to my children, that they are listening and they do hear
me and makes me be gentler w/my power! i am glad you have support otherwise.
i agree (with someones response) that rather than re-acting (we cant help it
sometimes!) to be pro-active and think of something your mom can contribute
is a great way to start! mom, you are so good at _____, i would love to
offer that in our "school" would you be willing to share?? that might
impress her that you really have confidence in the workings of your method.
then share your doubts (when you naturally have them!) with OTHERS -- hubby,
supporters, email list!
best wishes!