[email protected]

<<A major component for health is the communication between your

childƆ' s brain and body. This vital link controls the growth,


& function of every tissue and organ. The spinal cord sends messages

from the brain throughout the body via billions of nerves.

Interference (nerve pressure or irritation) places the body in a

state of disharmony. This can lead to decreased immune function and


thnx for the comments on chiro, adjustments and birth. i have bookmarked the
sites to check out when i go online sometime. because individuals can be so
different, personal stories are interesting but not convincing to me. the
info that explains the physical reasoning is much more helpful (as above
snip.) i can see where some births are traumatic (physically) for the babe,
i guess it is the blanket statement that birth IS traumatic just doesnt sit
right. i believe too much in the beauty of the natural design of women and
childbirth. that chiro is something to fix our ails makes more sense than
that we just come into the world needing already to be adjusted!! erin