Michelle Bennett

Yes, I have congenital hip dysplasia. The strange thing is that I never
had pain until a few months before I conceived my first son! I started
having moderate pain at that point, but it went away as soon as I became
pregnant. I think the relaxing of my joints and the hormones makes the pain
go away, because the same thing happened during my second pregnancy.
Anyway, five months after the birth of my first son (the traumatic birth) I
was in so much pain that I couldn't lay on that side and it hurt when I did
very much walking, moving around etc. I was in tears often. I saw several
physical therapists and it didn't help one bit. Yes, it still pops out of
place from time to time, but visiting my chiro helps immensely. She has the
hip moved enough that it seldom pops out of place and I am no longer in
pain. It did take over a year to get to that point though! It might go
quicker for a young child, I don't know. It just takes awhile to get the
muscles used to the idea of having the bone in a new spot (the correct
spot!). My chiropractor told me from the start that she couldn't promise me
that I wouldn't need a hip replacement, but she would do everything possible
to help! And she has! So, look for a chiropractor that you feel will be
upfront with you and explain everything that she/he is doing. She has kept
our whole family very health! Good luck!


I just had say I loved your story and my son's name is Colton too! I had
never heard the name before he was born! He will be one on Easter! I
treasure each moment that I get to hold my babies.


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