[email protected]

Hello Everyone,
I'm sorry that I havent responded to my own question. I saved all of the
responses and I had to read them and reread them. Thanks everyone for all the
thoughtful advice. I have decided to back off for now as she is a little
freaked. And I figured since I cant do anything until it happens again , that
I'll try not to pry on her too much. As for the tampon situation I had no
intention what so ever to allow them as I myself had some serious problems
with them , I guess my system is just too sensitive and I know everyone is
different but......well I'm just not comfortable with it. I am going to go
out and purchase some of the books mentioned and just put them away until I
think she wants them then Ill just leave them in her book box. I have calmed
down and everyone on this list has been a big help as far as that is
concerned. Thankyou Thankyou.
Im sure that this might be my first Mom Moment , but it wont be the last!!!
Carol if your reading this . Your post had me balling. sniffling and
laughing all at the same time. so here is a great big Hug. <<<
And one for all us mothers who will lose our babies ...but not our children.
<<<<< >>>>>

Thanks Again Everyone
A little more relaxed.