Tia Leschke

> Making sure we are discreetly covered assures that open and unashamed
> breastfeeding will never be accepted. It is not accepted simply
> because people have not become sensitized to it because they do not
> see it enough. It will never become accepted as long as it is
> covered up.

Personally, I think it's a gradual process. People are much more
comfortable with breastfeeding now than they were even a few years ago.
They've seen people doing it relatively discreetly, and they've seen
pictures in National Geographic or TV. But I think the real progress is
likely made because children and teens are seeing it done more. My son's
girlfriend was probably not nursed, and she's watched her niece being given
bottles. But now she's watched my daughter not only nursing an infant but
also the almost 3 year old. I think now she's more likely to nurse her
babies than she was. But my daughter doesn't whip it out. She gives
access. There's a difference.

They were at an outdoor concert I played in a couple of weeks ago. The
almost 3 was nursing, and a little girl maybe a bit older was completely
shocked, asking her mother why he was sucking on his mother's boob. She
kept asking and talking about it, and eventually asked Kaelin why he was
sucking on his mother's boob. His answer? "Uh, I suck the milk out." Too
cute. That little girl now has something new to think about.

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where
there is no path and leave a trail."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson