
I haven't posted much here lately, summer is a very busy time in our
family. But over the last few months, my son (just turned 7) went
from not-reading-much to being able to read most everything. I think
what finally tipped the cup for him was that he's spent a lot of the
summer trading and playing Pokemon cards with his friends. Most of
his older friends would read the cards to him, but sometimes he plays
with younger kids who can't. So he started figuring the stuff out on
his own. He has been gradually building reading skills over the last
few years, but it has just started to really come together for him.
He read me a 35 page book the other day, and I only had to help him
with a couple of words. No matter how many times you see the
unschooling model "work" in terms of a child picking up the skills to
do something new from their own interests and experiences, it's still
thrilling to watch!

Just wanted to share.

Blue Skies,

[email protected]

In a message dated 9/11/03 12:18:18 PM, tri_mom@... writes:

<< Most of

his older friends would read the cards to him, but sometimes he plays

with younger kids who can't. >>

That's cool.

When Kirby and Marty couldn't read, they had friends who were kind enough to
just read to them (mostly during board games, I'm thinking of, when there were
cards to be read on some turns) without razzing them, and so all my kids
turned that corner having been helped, and becoming patient and generous
