Bob Collier

The following came to my attention today. You may like to sign the


Bob Collier
Publisher, Parental Intelligence


From Education Revolution E Newsletter, September 7. 2003

We need you to do something to help save a school: The Booroobin
Sudbury School;
a pioneering democratic school in Australia has been threatened with
The Queensland Non-State Schools Accreditation Board has decided that
accreditation will be withdrawn. The means the cutting off of all
funds for the
eight year old school, mainly because the Board thinks Booroobin's
non-compulsory classes mean that they can't impose the Board's
Please go to their site and if you are so moved, sign their petition
and send
some e mails to the address indicated there. We helped save
Summerhill that way
a few years ago.

The Booroobin Sudbury School has asked that you consider signing the
following online Petition:

Their future as a School is on the line. The more support they get,
better their chances of survival will be. Send the Petition on to
friends and
people interested in education and human rights. Check out their web
for details of their latest battle with their State Government.
