[email protected]

In a message dated 9/4/03 7:16:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
ecsamhill@... writes:

> Until a few months ago, many sections of Fanfiction.net had X-rated (or
> NC-17-rated) stories. The policy was changed and the most explicit
> stuff was removed, but many areas still do include R-rated stories

I will second that report. Landon reads a lot of fanfiction and he has told
me a lot of it is very explicit. Some of it contains what most would deem as
sexually deviant material, not just "pornographic" He is almost 17, and I
trust his judgement, I have never screened the stuff he browses online.. BUT, if
I had a younger child (say, under 15) that was interested in Fanfiction, I
would screen it for them.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


I asked my daughter about this and she said that the people who go there
complained about the NC-17-rated stories so that is why they got rid of
them. She said she never saw any ones rated X (never saw them, not saw them
but didn't look). I believe the web owner monitors the stories well. I
know that she had written down the words to a song in one of her stories and
they deleted the whole story because she plagerized the song by not telling
everyone where she got it from. She realized afterward what she had done
wrong, but she wished they only deleted that chapter. She learned a lesson
in plagerization and in backing up her work.

We came up with a similar problem when she first got interested in Anime.
She would go to people's Anime websites and send them email telling them
that she liked their websites. When you send email from my computer it
sends it from Outlook Express, which is my email. She got a reply from one
person who sent her Manga (Japanese drawings of human figures) that I didn't
like. It was erotic, but not explicit. I deleted the message. I told her
that she got an answer and I told her that I deleted it and why. She was ok
with that. That only happened one time, though.


> Until a few months ago, many sections of Fanfiction.net had X-rated (or >
NC-17-rated) stories. The policy was changed and the most explicit > stuff
was removed, but many areas still do include R-rated stories. I
> wouldn't *expect* to find R-rated stories about cartoon characters, but >
I don't know for sure. I do know that there are stories about Harry >
Potter where his hatred for Draco Malfoy is just a cover for their > mutual
unresolved sexual attraction, and I *know* that not everybody is > expecting
that when they let their kids read at this website. FYI.>
> Betsy