
"Okay - I'm about to start putting MY name in all the books that I want to

One of the most wonderful things that ever happened was when my mother let me take many of my favorite childhood storybooks home with me as an adult. Things is, she had an extensive collection of her own that tradition has carried over. She bought me my own storybooks as an adult and she bought loads for my children too.
After she died, my Dad thought it was such a wonderful tradition that he kept buying children's books for myself and my sisters, many of them signed by the authors, just as my mother had done.

This way, I'll be able to give the kids their favorites when they're all grown up, and I'll still have lots of great children's books to keep!! My friends thought it a bit odd when 2-3 children's books would arrive in my Christmas package and I told them that yes, they were really meant for me not my children.
