

i agree with you about breast milk but unfortunately your position is fascist in
nature and leaves no room for those who could not breastfeed even if they may
have wanted to. so yes there is no choice in many situation and when you take
the stance breastfeed or you're relegating your child to a life of poor health
is melodramatic and mean spirited because some people have no choice. breast
milk is w/o question superior but humans are amazing and have proven time and
again to survive and even thrive on far worse things than formula or cows milk.
so i think a good use of all the energy and passion you have regarding this
topic might be better used in advocating for milk banks rather than berating
people. i think information is best heard when it is give w/o all the harsh

Sonia Ulan wrote:

> I'm sorry to be on this tirade but I positively see red when I see
> people think there is a "choice" and usually for the sake of unimportant
> and temporary situations such as convenience or lifestyle. How can any
> loving parent deny their child what is clearly theirs? Boy, have the
> formula companies or, dare I say it, the radical feminists, really
> snowed us that much, all these years?
> As I say, there is no true choice.
> Sign me,
> a radical-baby's-rights-defender

i also agree w/ lynda that sonia's comments need to be put in there proper place
and should not be taken personally, but also her comments were intended as
judgments and where highly charged leaving no room for other possibilities.
every situation is unique and making blanket statement serve no real purpose
then to cast judgments. i wish, sonia, you would have found a better way to
pass on the info from all the research you has done. trying to make people feel
bad or guilty for choices they have made or are in the process of making or for
having to cope w difficult realities is just not right and certainly not

'unity through diversity'

> Lynda wrote:

> I didn't breastfeed all of the kidlets for which I have valid medical
> reasons. But I don't get my bloomers in a twist because someone states
> opinions using generalizations about folks who don't/didn't breastfeed.

> Lynda
