Tia Leschke

> No, he hasn't done anything about it. He just hasn't done anything.
> It's not a class he GOES to, it's a self-study program, which he
> requested that we purchase. He has NOT said, "I don't want to study
> this" he just isn't studying, after he asked me to get the course for
> him.

My son often does nothing with something he's asked for, sometimes for quite
some time. We went havers with him on a mini video camera for Christmas
last year. He's used it some but not very much. But it turns out there are
some things he needs that we didn't know about. Now we're going to get him
what he needs to start using it. Even then, if he doesn't use it right away
we're not going to guilt him about it. We'll find out if it's because he
still needs something, whether it's equipment or help or instruction. If he
still doesn't use it, he might prefer to sell it and get something
different. Who knows?

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin