[email protected]

In a message dated 8/29/2003 2:55:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:
My next question is this: Did anyone notice (ask the kids) an
employee taking water samples for reading? This should have been done
every 2 hours with that high a load. Samples are supposed to be taken
while people are in the water. Their pool is small; it's easy for the
water to change in a two hour time period.
I was out on the deck the vast majority of the time there. No one came out to
do samples, not even early morning. (I was out there chatting with the former
drill sergeant from Fort Jackson who now fiddles around the hotel.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Thanks Elissa and Crystal...the ENT said that was too many Swimmers
Ear cases...dirty water causes that, not just a wet ear. Glad there
was nothing worse going on. Sara

Rebecca DeLong

I'm bummed, my local hs group has gone from kinda interesting, layed back summery people to...'how do I get my kids to sit still and do work, I need help with lesson plans, and discussing all the projects they have planned for the year'.

It makes me sad, I've almost said something a few times, but noticed that at this time of the year, saying something anti-schoolish is like diving into a shark feeding frenzy, these women get nutty!

I feel so out of it. There are a few other unschoolers in the area, and we have a local group, but it's pretty slow most of the time. Any ideas on how to perk it up?

oh well.

So, anybody have anything fun planned for this year? <eg>

Jason, Jaiden and I are trying to figure out how to turn our apartment in to a haunted house for the big halloween party Jaiden wants to have. So far, that's all we have planned out.

Any vetran haunted house makers out there, wanna pass some tips along to a novice?


*~*Leave the crowd, look within, and let your dreams soar*~*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Rebecca DeLong wrote:

>I'm bummed, my local hs group has gone from kinda interesting, layed back summery people to...'how do I get my kids to sit still and do work, I need help with lesson plans, and discussing all the projects they have planned for the year'.
>It makes me sad, I've almost said something a few times, but noticed that at this time of the year, saying something anti-schoolish is like diving into a shark feeding frenzy, these women get nutty!
Yeah. I've gone no-mail on my local list cos of the unending chatter
about unti studies and planned topics. Not one person has said their
kids initiated any of it :-(

>I feel so out of it. There are a few other unschoolers in the area, and we have a local group, but it's pretty slow most of the time. Any ideas on how to perk it up?
>oh well.
>So, anybody have anything fun planned for this year? <eg>
Yeah. Moving countries. That will be our project of the year :-)
Oh, and having baby. I mean, studying human reproduction......

>Jason, Jaiden and I are trying to figure out how to turn our apartment in to a haunted house for the big halloween party Jaiden wants to have. So far, that's all we have planned out.
>Any vetran haunted house makers out there, wanna pass some tips along to a novice?
Get one of them ultra violet lights and strew the house in white party
string and white webs. It makes it glow. Looks great. We also made a box
of worms for the kids. Painted the outside then filled it with cold
spagetti and little gifts so the kids had to feel inside :-)
Turn off all the lights apart from the UV lamp and have pumpkins with
candles in for light. And don;t forget to hang spiders from everything.
There ya go :-)


Alan & Brenda Leonard

8/30/03 11:12:

> It makes me sad, I've almost said something a few times, but noticed that at
> this time of the year, saying something anti-schoolish is like diving into a
> shark feeding frenzy, these women get nutty!

This is the time of year I bite my tongue and wait for them to burn out.
Then I start dropping hints about relaxing a bit, pushing the curriculum
aside and learning from life, etc.

But people do act like you're anti-American or something if you're not
caught up in the back-to-school frenzy! Sheesh.

> I feel so out of it.

Me too. No thoughts, just sympathy.

> So, anybody have anything fun planned for this year? <eg>

So far we've been on a cleaning out, organizing, simplifying rampage.
Getting rid of some junk, sending stuff to people who'll actually use it,
etc. I can find things in my basement storeroom now. That was kinda
exciting. It's been so satisfying, I plan to continue it as long as I can
stand the fun. <g>

Other than that, we've got loads of small trips we want to take. Tim and I
have agreed that we need to take one trip every week, just to make sure we
get out and do some of them. (With my husband away long-term, I get stalled
at home, so the once a week isn't an educational requirement, more of a
mental health jolt for Mom!)

I live within an hour or two (driving) of 6 castles, an old Roman fort, at
least a dozen museums, the Birkenstock factory, more indoor swimming pools
than I can count, a couple of forest preserve kind of places, the Tanaus
"Mountains" (hills, but they call them mountains here...), and heaven knows
what all else. So I'm going to see some of it this year!

Of course, that's pending my car being fixed (again). It got jealous of my
shiny rental cars while I was in the states and isn't running now. <sigh>

And finally, sorry, Rebecca, but I know nothing about haunted houses!



> >Any vetran haunted house makers out there, wanna pass some tips
along to a novice?

We love to do haunted houses. More than anything, you need to set
the mood; darkness, weird, soft light (strange angles or flickering
is good), scarey sounds and soft eerie music.

Hanging groups threads from various places will freak people out.
You can't see them like fake webs but you *feel* them. <shudder> The
startle effect is the best way to scare even if it turns out to be
something funny. Have someone who's hiding just reach out and
lightly touch people as they go by or jump out and then run. A loud
bumb like a door slam when it's quiet works too.

Always have someone behind the scenes making subtle noises; shaking
chains, moving things around, maoning, squeaking doors and banging.
Critters moving along the floor like a wind up toy is fun. Always,
always tell a story to go with the house of something terrible that
happened there and all the strange things that happen that are always
worse on HALLOWEEN!

Most of it should be understanded. Let people's imaginations do all
the work. Trying to be very obvious just looks really fake.

The scariest thing that I've ever experienced was riding on a haunted
hayride and the person next to me suddenly disappeared when someone
silently reached up and grabbed her. She was a part of it obviously
but stuck on that wagon on a road in the dark NH night it just about
made me wet my pants!


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