Tia Leschke

> DO you know of any unschooled 14 year olds who cannot read? I know
> Tia's Lars had a hard time, but Tia will say it was her teaching
> intervention that slowed down the process, and (I think) that Lars
> reads as well as he wants and needs to for his life these days.

That's right. And for almost 3 years he has refused to read books, just web
sites and magazines. The other day he asked me which Harry Potters we
owned, and I handed him the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th books. He's now reading
number two. (I read them all to him a long time ago.) He might read them
all, or he might not, but a few months ago he wouldn't have even tried.
> I tried to "sit and talk with her." It added to her pressure and she
> reacted to my unconscious dissatisfaction with her abilities. It was a
> roadblock.

I think this is how it started with Lars as well.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin