

coincidentally here in austin we have a milk bank, one of 5 nationally. last
night on the news they were calling for donations because the drs have found
that it can literally be the difference between life and death to a preemie with
intestinal problems and the demand is growing exponentially so they are in
serious need for donations.

that said i believe if a mother is uncomfortable or has a strong disdain for
breast feeding she should not force herself for to do so. the mother's comfort
is critical, if she has negative feelings it gets into the milk because the
body does release different hormones when different emotions are being
experienced. so if you don't like it, imo, it would be healthier not to.
since the mother and child are so connected the mother happiness is a huge issue
and no one should force another to comform to something outside themselves.
inform yes; pressure and guilt trip no the choice should always remain with the

personally i was set to nurse as long as my son wanted and i've heard of people
nursing to until 7 which is fine with me. but much to my surprise and sadness
when rene' was 13 months he weaned himself. one day he tried to nurse but
couldn't because every time he tried he busted up laughing - all of a sudden it
became the funniest thing in the whole world and he just couldn't do it. i told
him i wasn't ready - i was really upset, so he nursed for a 4 hr stretch and
that was it:( it was like he did it for me and though i made it available for
him to nurse after that, he had moved on plain and simple - this will probably
be his style -when he's ready he's ready. kids are funny.

'unity through diversity'

bctswim@... wrote:

> tracy- I can't help but put my 2 cents in-I have nursed 4 children and am a
> LLL Applicant too and can't read that breastmilk is good but not superior to
> bottlefeeding without getting a knot in my stomache b/c it is just plain
> wrong scientifically!
> Bridget
> -