[email protected]

Sorry for the cross posting.....

Hello all! I had a wonderful vacation, got back yesterday, late.
Canada is wonderful, as always! Swam and ate and rested all week, with a party
or two thrown in, and the whole family, Canadian and American, was up there.
Alex spent the whole time in the water or in the sand, he had his snorkeling
mask on so often he has a semi-permanent line around his eyes, and he became a
much stronger swimmer, too. I wish we had gone on more hikes, but Alex and I
love the water so much, we couldn't take the time to get shoes and real
clothes on!!

Thanks to everybody who sent suggestions on travel activities. Alex's
favorite was a game where you think of a phrase, and the other person has to start a
sentence ending with that phrase to make you laugh. For example, "bowl of
cereal"and I say, The kitties were swimming in....and he has to say "bowl of
cereal". Of course most of the sentences that cracked him up were fart, pee or
poo related, but that's not surprising... lol

We had a homeschooling discussion while I was up there, and I just want to
say thank you to everyone who has helped me "live unschooling" so much that I
didn't much care when everybody delivered the typical questions that used to
upset me. Socialization, testing, etc. I didn't get defensive or frustrated
like I used to. Their doubts don't trouble me anymore. Hooray! And maybe I
modeled enough respectful interactions with *their* kids to turn a light on in
their brains? One can hope.......


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]