
yay Kim! I love breastfeeding, did so easily and my children all nursed till
at least two years of age and I am heartily sick of breastfeeding fanatics
making other women who have valid and personal reasons for the choices they
make, feel inferior, ignorant and/or lazy!!
What a luxury it is to be able to choose how to nourish our children when
millions of women throughout the world are watching helpless as their
beloved children starve to death! God, the pettiness of this flaming
"discussion" is mind-boggling! May I respectfully suggest that some of these
breastfeeding zealots spend their time and energy (they obviously have
plenty of both) to campaign to force the US Govt to label all baby formula
sold in the Third World with the logo "breastfeeding is best" as many women,
in the Third world are feeding their babies improperly prepared formula ie.
using dirty, polluted water under the misapprehension that this is far
SUPERIOR to breastmilk. How come "informed choice" only applies to people
who vote for the legislators in the US???
Again, thanks Kim for your two cents worth of compassion and clarity.
