[email protected]

HURRAY! Kaycee is coming home tonight! I AM SO GLAD. Gosh, when they are
here, they drive you crazy. When they aren't, they drive you crazy; especially
when they are sooooo far away! I just can't wait till I see her face! I
miss her so very much! Her plane is not due to land until 10p tonight. Let you
all know how she is/how the trip went, sometime this weekend.

On another note, LOL, she IS NOT going to be too happy when I tell her that
Kings Island called w/her work schedule! She is DUE IN at 10a tomorrow
(Saturday) morning. Hmm, thank goodness she's a kid and can take this stuff! Me?
I'd need a vacation FROM my vacation! Then again, I'm sure digging up
Dinosaurs was pretty hard on the body. And, I'M SURE, 8 teens got A LOT of sleep.

PS: Again, I'm sorry if you got duplicates. Haven't had time to clean up
this e-mail address box yet!

We forfeit three-fouths of ourselves in order to be like other people.

~Arthur Schopenhauer~

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