Heather Hall

Working on it - a lot of it is decluttering, bad furniture, and just
bad planning. Crispin doesn't go for the usual stuff like outlets etc.
and we don't use toxic cleaners or anything. Crispin likes pull
everything down. The covers, the curtains, shower curtains, empty the
diaper pail, or better yet fill it with the mail or my teaching stuff.
I want to move my office from the living room to the basement, and move
our bedrooms downstairs and make the bungalow bedroom area all play all
kids all the time. I just need to make my husband disappear for a day
or two so he can't grumble through the process and a pair of non cat
allergic hands to help with the big stuff. And someone to run the
cables etc for the computers for his and my offices. The only thing is
that when we move Crispin out of our bed, there wouldn't be room for
his bed in our room, he'd have to be in Harriet's room. They do sleep
together in her bed occasionally, but now that's all in one room.
We'll see...I think it's worth the work.
On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 04:43 PM,
[email protected] wrote:

> If you don't have a childproof house, you've made your life way more
> difficult than it needs to be.
> <<but my husband wants to move so badly he won't agree to totally
> rearrange the house with me ;)>>
> Do it without him. At least get a couple of rooms safe.
Heather, mom to
Harriet 12.15.99
Crispin 01.25.02

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