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I recently decided that I was not really comfortable with saying that I am
a "homeschool" or an "unschooler" I think the former leads people to think
that I "school" at home, which I don't, and the latter makes them look at me
strangely. I have found myself using the word "home-educater" and then I see
people actually thinking a moment to try and figure out just what that might
be. But if I really think about it, I am really a " home- education
co-creator" because it really is a partnership with my daughter not a
teacher-student relationship. But I think if I said that, I might get
those strange looks again! I guess in the end, I just don't like labels. I
really don't like defining myself or who I am or what I do . I just am. And
almost any day with no notice at all, who I am might change. And that's the
way I like it. Jackie