Robin Norell

I had read on this list (I believe) not long ago that the desire that children have to learn to read is often tied to the age at which they begin to lose their baby teeth. Evidently there is some significance in the emotional/developmental stages that correspond to each other.
Last Sunday night, my 6yo son said (those beloved words) "I want to learn to read."  He then proceeded to start working on the letters and sounds on a chart my 10yo daughter had made for him some months ago.
The following morning, my son woke up, and announced "I have a loose tooth."  I thought he was joking at first, a belated April Fool's Day joke - but no, he had a loose tooth! 
I believed you all that the timing would coincide, but within hours of each other?!!!
Anyway, on another of my lists, someone asked what they should answer to their children when they say "I'm bored!"  I posted this list, which is on my daughter's wall, and to which I send her if she dares utter those words.... if any of you would like this in the Microsoft Word document version, email me at RNorell@... and I'll send it to you!
Orlando, FL

Things To Do

    Read a chapter book Look through DK books Ask Mommy to read a book Write in journal Write a letter or e-mail Play a computer game Explore Internet sites Build a K'Nex or Lego project Do math worksheets Use math manipulatives (wrap-ups, Cuisenaire rods, etc.) Use other activity workbooks (stickers, presidents, maps, etc.) Read a magazine (Cricket, National Geographic World, American Girl, etc.) Play on electronic computer (spelling, pre-algebra, etc.) Write letters to send away for free things Read Bible Learn a song on the piano "Write" story about mummies, Titanic, Lost World, etc. "Write" in journal Games: Math Quest, Dinosaur Extinction, Wheel of Fortune, Yahtzee, 5 State Rummy, Brain Quest, Mummy cards, Magic School Bus cards, Life, Junior Monopoly, Connect 4, Traffic Jam, Uno, Disney Trivia, Life, Racko, Clue, etc. Do puzzle books – word search, mazes, puzzles, etc. Go to library Plan a field trip Put together a puzzle Do a project: science, nature, etc. Do arts and crafts: latch hook, bean bag animal, felt beanie baby clothes, painting, clay, beads, egg coloring, etc. Put together and perform a play or puppet show Organize pictures into photo album Watch a video – Magic School Bus, Reading Rainbow, etc. Listen to music – Kids music channel, CDs or tapes Explore backyard nature (insects, flowers, garden, birds, etc.) Play store with fake money