Alan & Brenda Leonard

7/30/03 07:00:

> Help! got bucked off my horse on Sat. and landed hard. Broken humerus, sore
> back, bruised hip etc. Very busy almost 2 yr old and almost 8 yr old. Need fun
> summer ideas for preserving my sanity and theirs while staying at home as i
> can't drive, right now can hardly walk.

Owww, Nancy! Sorry to hear that you are hurting.

I was reading in one of your other posts about the problem with sunscreen
with your toddler. Would she wear a big tee shirt? My son never did a
nudity age, but a friend's daughter did, and she could be convinced to wear
a very large tee shirt that flapped around her knees in exchange for not
having to wear sunscreen. No diaper or other nonsense, just shirt. Maybe
something belonging to your older one would be appealing.


[email protected]

In a message dated 30/07/2003 21:18:58 Pacific Daylight Time,
abtleo@... writes:

> . No diaper or other nonsense, just shirt. Maybe
> something belonging to your older one would be appealing.
> brenda

Thanks Brenda. This little guffer is very anti-clothes right now. Have come
to conclusion that we will play in shade and our nice cool log house during
peak sun time, out before and after that.
thanks everyone for your kindness and humor, much uplifting and don't feel so
hopeless now. But boy is my ass black!!!!That is a lot of bruise!!!
Must decide what to do with horse later.
Nancy, waving thanks with good arm in BC

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Tia Leschke

> Must decide what to do with horse later.

What to do with the horse?

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin