Home Education Magazine

HEM News & Commentary - July 29, 2003
Compiled and edited by Ann Lahrson Fisher

In this issue:
National Legislation
Legal and Legislative News
Homeschoolers In the News
International Homeschooling News
Charter Schools and Tax $$
$50,000 a Year!
Getting Together - Homeschool Conferences
National Association of Elementary School Principals
Opinion - Arrogant and Dangerous
Opinion - Toward a national home-schooling policy?

Below is an excerpt from this edition - to read the entire issue click to:

National Legislation -
H.R. 2732, HONDA

Ann: The Home School Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 is the news of
the day. An "omnibus" bill such as this one takes awhile to sort out
and comprehend. H.R. 2732 proposes amending a number of different
laws, and I have been digging into discussions that explore various
aspects and ramifications of this bill. Here is some "in the news"
info to get you started on your own research.

The bill begins: "108th Congress, 1st Session, H.R. 2732, to amend
selected statutes to clarify existing Federal law as to the treatment
of students privately educated at home under State law." Read it in
its entirety at


Family News in Focus, By David Brody, July 16
Headline: Home-Schooling Protection Bill Introduced
"Chris Klicka and his group - the Home School Legal Defense
Association - wrote the bill... The bill has a chance of passage. It
has the support of House Education and Workforce Committee Chairman
John Boehner, which should ensure it has life through the legislative
process. Supporters say even if the whole bill doesn't pass, they
plan to attach certain parts of it to different education bills to
move their agenda forward."


Ann: Not all homeschoolers believe this bill is a good one. On July
28, Helen Hegener posted her position on the HEM-Networking list.
Here is a small quote: "But there's an even larger question to ask,
and that is: Why the move to strengthen the power of the federal
government over what has always been a state concern?
Constitutionally, education is the province of the states, and bills
like this one force a conflict between the federal government and
state governments."


When you've done your research, here is help in expressing your opinion.
"How to Lobby Congress: A Workbook for Citizen Organizations"
"We... can help you, the average person with no contacts, make your
way through Washington's corridors of power and turn your ideas into
law, all without having to pay high priced Lobbyists and without
having to travel to D.C."
Download the free workbook (31 pages), "How to Lobby Congress: A
Workbook for Citizen Organizations" at

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

To read the rest of this NewsComm issue, click here:

HEM News & Commentary is a weekly report on what's happening in the
world of homeschooling. Gleanings from the news media, accolades and
pans, hot discussions, legal and legislative successes and problems -
all are fair game, and gathered in one column for your convenience.

And just in case you don't have the time to read every word in print,
we will summarize and discuss key news and trends that we think are
the most provocative or that may have the greatest impact on the
future of homeschooling.

This service is available free. Archives can be accessed at

The weekly updates will additionally be announced on HEM's discussion
lists. You'll find a print version - the highlights of these reports
- in a column by the same name in Home Education Magazine.

Your opinions and feedback are always welcome. Contact me.
Ann Lahrson-Fisher
HEM News & Commentary