J Salicos

Welcome Bernadette, Try anything by John Holt for
unschooling and I read everything my library had on
homeschooling but I bought and enjoyed was "The
Ultimate Guide To Homeschooling" By Debra Bell
Good Luck in your quest!

--- Bernadette Goldstein <bernadette@...>
> I am new to homeschooling and unschooling, my
> daughter is 2 1/2, I have a little time to make
> decisions on these matters, but would like to begin
> researching now. I am interested in hearing from
> others on the one or two best /beginning books any
> of you would recommend on the subject. I am very
> attracted to the unschooling philosophy. Thank-you
> very much for any advice here.
> Bernadette

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Hi everyone,
I too am (pretty) new to this list. My name is Brooke and I am a single (by
choice) mother to four gorgeous kids all of whom are unschooled. My eldest
is Ashley 10yog, Dane 7yob, Paige 5yog and paloma Grace 2yog.
We have never schooled-at-home but we have home-schooled and are now very
happily unschooling!
I read and read and read about unschooling. I live in New Zealand and the
information here does take a bit of digging to locate but some of the
greatest books I have read apart from John Holt and John Taylor Gatto (of
course!!!) have been "Taking The Joy Out Of Egypt" and "And The Skylark
sings With Me" I do have to add the proviso however that after reading both
books I did look at my kids a bit slit-eyed wondering why none of them
showed any desire to study architecture or make their own telescopes!! LOL

I have realised of course that all kids are gifted and special in their own
ways and my kids will discover their particular passions when they are ready
(but still, I am only human and seriously considered "casually" leaving
books on physics scattered about!!!)

Better than books though (which do sometimes seem to be a bit daunting!!
especially if your kid would rather make planes out of books than study
them!!) are these message boards! I find that joining these boards has given
me inspiration, encouragement, resource ideas as well as the priceless
knowledge that I am not alone in my trials, tribulations and joys.

Sorry to ramble,
Brooke (enjoying the kids being outside!!!!)

Tracy Oldfield

I have Mary Griffith's Unschooler's Handbook, and that's really nice as an introduction..  but like many others, I love this list best.
----- Original Message -----
From: A. Yates
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Advice on books

I really loved John Holt, and Grace Llewylln.
There re so many great books out there.  I just kept reading everything out there I could find.  I also loved reading Home Education magazine, ad Growing Without Schooling.