[email protected]

Does anyone here know who Jeva is? She described herself on another list as
"a former victim of Sandra Dodd" and now she's telling people she doubts I
write my own essays. That's probably actionable stuff, and I'd like to know who
she is. Since she won't even tell this list whether she's an unschooler, I'm
assuming she's someone who's been here before and came back under another name.

Do you think anyone will believe the doubt she is trying to cast on my
integrity? It's a shame, character assassination just for personal amusement.

Here are the quotes about the writings:

Yes, you have the right to say what you feel, and so do we. I stated
> what I felt about the possibility of Sandra not being the true author
> and I meant it. My comments are not a personal attack, but an honest
> take on my experience with the assumed author's personality and the
> contents of the articles. It's an opinion, not an insult.

. . . .

> My comments, are no different that anyone who would review an article
> or it's author. I was actually neutral on the contents and all I
> stated was that I don't feel Sandra is the actual author. I may be
> wrong or right, but I do have the right to question.

pink lantern <pinklantern@...>

If anyone knows her real name, could you e-mail me on the side? Accusations
that I have passed someone else's words off as my own (plagiarism) or taken
money on false pretenses (fraud) are pretty serious accusations. Baseless, and
reckless, and they serve NO useful purpose for the accuser.

MY real name is Sandra Dodd. I've never hidden.
I've never avoided direct questions about my children or my unschooling.

It's pretty sad that I'm being attacked by a troublemaker in a disguise.
