[email protected]

This group has a lot of wisdom, but the squabbling is really a drag. 10
digests ago you guys were fussing about the same thing. I will unsubscribe and go
play with my kids! Patti

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Elizabeth Ogiyama

> laughed and said he doesn't need to be "unschooled" if that's what it
> means.
> He
> doesn't, and I will leave with great relief. >>>>>>>
> To me this entire post was attacking. Laura D
Yes, I suppose it was. I'm on digest and didn't see that when I sent my

Maybe it was because of all the attacking in general and she went on the

> he difference is Oom didn't want to examine the
> belief that led her to feel that swatting for safety reasosn was a good
> philosophy. She wanted to cling to her belief that she was right. She
> wanted
> to have the right publicly say *here* that it was good advice

> She has a right to cling to her belief. She does't have a right to
> bring it
> here and present it as good advice.

Well, this being stated in this way makes me see see why there was so
much vitriol before. I just seemed to see the person being attacked ,
not the ideas.

> Just be glad you weren't subjected to why
> women should stay in bad marriages for their children's sake, when it's
> ok
> for a husband to hit his wife, and punishing one's spouse. ~Rue

