Cathy Hilde

I have done some searching on this, but can't figure out what algae is. Can you tell me how this helped your granddaughter?

"There was a lot more improvement when they started giving her algae, so it
seems there were some nutritional deficiencies. "


Tia Leschke

> Tia,
> I have done some searching on this, but can't figure out what algae is.
Can you tell me how this helped your granddaughter?

Skye had some of the most ferocious tantrums I've ever seen, from the time
she was about two. They didn't let up, in fact got worse. Heather tried
everything she could think of or was suggested. Some things, like
eliminating foods she was sensitive to, helped. Nothing made a major
difference until they tried the algae. (It's a special kind of algae that's
harvested from a lake in California that is loaded with nutrients. It's
also helped me some with chronic fatigue.)

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin