[email protected]

Some grandparents don't deserve rights some do, some can not be worked out
My sons grandmother threatened for years to take him. The last time he saw
them Grandpa was trying to run out of a mall with him while Grandma and Aunt
tried to keep me busy. I spotted him and ran to get my son. He was 3 maybe 4, he
had no idea what was happening.

I called his biological dad who by the way has never seen or met him. I told
him what happened and that I was getting an order against them. He and I
agreed that since I was remarried and his Mom was controlling and abusive that it
was best if he relinquished rights so he did. Kinda sad but the best situation.

They tried to come once someone at their home even told the local police that
they had flown here. We packed the kids and took the dirt road out of here.

They say he is considered a king as he is the first male grandchild. They
have savings accounts and stocks in his name. I don't know how they did that?
They tried to buy his love when they where here. No amount of money or court
will cause me to send him to visit them when I know he will not be safe.
<<<<<<<< In Pennsylvania and several other states, grandparents do have the
right to get court-ordered visitation rights to their grandkids. It really
bothers me that this should even be necessary, though. You would think we
would all
have the maturity to work these things out like adults.>>>>>>>>

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