[email protected]

<<Do you want your child to do what you ask because they fear your response
if they don't?>>

<<In an emergency situation, when he is going to be at high risk otherwise,

Oh, that is a BIG mistake!! I started very young fearing my mom and my dad.
To get me to listen or for safety issues, a good beating was my lesson. Didn't
teach me shit though. I still fear mom till this day which is why I'm having
a hard time breaking ties.

When our son was in school, I was the same way with him. He was the best
behaved kid in town, straight A student, teachers pet and so on. Part of that is
because he's a great kid BUT a lot of that was because he feared me and what
stupid harsh punishment I would hand out if he were to behave otherwise. I never
spanked him but I did swat him on the butt once when he was 5 and he still
remembers that!

Along with school and us, we did a lot of damage to our son and since we have
changed we have learned just how much he couldn't stand the way we were and
the things we did. We have been dealing with all kinds of emotions from anger
to depression to resentment, you name it and he is doing so much better and we
have this awesome relationship but that is only because we have changed.
Please don't for a minute think that fear of a parent is good for a child in any
