
**Last week at my neighborhood pool, one of the ladies
asked why my 3.5 yr. old wasn't in pre-school. I of course told her I was
going to home school and she responded in a loud voice saying - "what, our
elementary school isn't good enough for you" - wow! the assumptions she
made with out knowing anything about me and my family. Do these things
happen to everyone that home schools or do I just put myself in the wrong
social groups??**

Hi, Susan --

Nice to meet you! Lots of people get flak for choosing homeschooling.
Not everyone is as rude as that lady, though. It's hard to know if her
snotty remark meant "Our local school is great" or, worse, "Our school
is not so great, but that's plenty good enough for you." (Yuck!)

If she wanted to be clear and un-insulting she could have said "I think
our local school is great." What she said wasn't that nice.
