[email protected]

I could really relate to your post. My 11yo dd also had a very
traumatic 4th grade year in public school. That is the year I took her out
and sent her to a very "unschooling" type school. It was a really great
school, but just not right for her. She is very similar to your middle child
in that she is such a homebody, has friends but is fine even if they are not
around, and she is extremely stubborn. I am very happy to be hsing her
because I am also learning things that really interest me! We both love
doing nature journals and we both hate doing workbooks! Even though she is a
capable reader, she loves to be read to. I read all the Harry Potter books to
her and we had such fun together trying to guess what was going to happen
next. To me, the really wonderful thing about hsing, is I get to enjoy my dd
every day - I'm not missing out on half her life due to school and homework.