
I take it Sandra said this. <BG>

<<**One of the hardest things I had to get over when I was first
homeschooling was rejection. If I thought a game or book or puzzle or
free concert was VERY cool and my kid (Kirby at first) dragged his feet
and looked the other way or just say "I don't like this, mom," I took it
personally and felt rejected and incompetent.>>

I'm not sure I feel the exact same thing but I do feel something. I think
it's more along the lines that the kid isn't enjoying something I think they
"should" be enjoying. Maybe I do feel a rejection of some sorts for not
enjoying what *I* think is fun. It's just like with the owl pellets. I
thought they were so neat and the kids did too when I asked if they wanted
them. Joseph lasted 20 minutes and was totally over them. Of course when
it's something *he* finds interesting wild horses wouldn't pull him away. I
guess what's easier, at least for me, is having my kids enjoy like minded
activities. Joseph is totally into things I'm not. I just really need to be
aware of his needs and follow all his ideas as far as supply goes. It's not
easy sometimes.

Mary B