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Hi! I'm Kyle and my wife is Paula. We have two children, Steven 13
and Kayla 9. We have been homeschooling now for six yrs. or I guess I
should say conducting school at home. We just started unschooling about
three weeks ago. I have made feeble attempts at it in the past but have
had a hard time turning over the reigns of control. Ok, Ok, I'm still
struggling with that one but am learning to trust my children more
everyday. I've read all of John Holts books subscribe to GWS and HEM
and believe in the homeschooling or natural learning philosophy with al
of my being, but believing and doing are to totally different things.
So here we are now trying to put legs to our beliefs.
Being the primary domestic engineer for the past six years I would
love to here from any other homedads if there are any of you out there.