[email protected]

Holly was dressed and getting ready to walk to the park, where she meets some
other homeschoolers for free lunch. What's left of her hair
(http://sandradodd.com/hollyhair) is partly straight, partly curled, partly clipped up top.
She's wearing a chopped off , little boy's Ninja Turtle shirt that used to
belong to her brothers, and thrift store bell bottom jeans. She said "I'm
waiting for you to look at the clock." It was 11:05, and she doesn't usually leave
so early.

"Are you going early to help them set up the lunch?"

"No, I want to be there before Kristy."

I asked if she was taking something to do in case she was there alone a
"Yes, in my backpack."
I asked if she had sunscreen. Yes.
Water? Yes.

Me: "You're so organized."

(Holly, in a very toity voice: ) "Yes. I wish everyone could be as organized
as I am."

(Me, in an eyes rolling around her somewhat disorganized room way:) "Yes."

She farted and said "See? I knew I was going to fart here, I planned it."

"Whe is your next fart planned? I'll try to be there!"

"In the park, in twenty six minutes. But I might wait until I'm in line at
12:00, and blame it on the mean kids."

"Well, good luck with that!"

"Thanks. Bye!" (door closes)

(door opens) "I don't have any shoes on!! See how organized I am?"

(She really is more organized than anyone but her dad, though, in this



This is great! I really enjoyed reading it. My just turned 4 dd Micaela is like this. She is the one who makes sure we have drinks and snacks for everyone when we go out. She also likes to organize products on store shelves when we are shopping. She doesn't understand why people don't put the computer games back where they belong at Sam's Club. We can't leave the store until she has organized them all....

A Mother's Touch Photography
----- Original Message -----
From: SandraDodd@...

I asked if she had sunscreen. Yes.
Water? Yes.
Me: "You're so organized."
(Holly, in a very toity voice: ) "Yes. I wish everyone could be as organized
as I am."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]