Alan & Brenda Leonard

7/1/03 20:56:

> And a question. I didn't do this, but wondered afterwards if I missed
> a bit of an opportunity. Would it have been appropriate at the time
> to get out pennies and paper and pencil and do some percentage math?
> Like, sit down with her and do some, striking while the iron was hot?

Why would you want to? If she's got the concept in her head, and she's able
to apply it in her life, why would she need to do with with pencil, paper,
and pennies? If she wants it, sometime, she can ask you or someone else.

Rather it sounds like sitting her down might turn her off on percentages,
and perhaps even eventually turn her off on you in a way. I mean, if every
cool thing that she learns turns out to have a schooly application that Mom
wants to show you, maybe she'd simply stop sharing with Mom. I don't mean
that you'd be dull or mean about it, just that I think you can trust the
learning all by itself; it likely doesn't need to be reinforced on paper.

I'd just note in your mind or your homeschooling records, if you keep them,
that today was cool!
