[email protected]

Thanks for your letter! I am 41 and though I don't think that's too
old, I sure do like to hear of healthy babies being born to women in their
40's! And I really love the stories about those "suprise babies" born
after years of infertility! jackie

[email protected]

MY eyes teared up at your story! What a beautiful and truly miraculous
story. One thing I have definitely learned from my infertility, and I can
tell you have too; is to have complete faith in God.. I n fact, I believe one
of the reasons for my infertility was that God was calling me and this was
the way I would listen. I truly believe that there is another child coming
into our lives. And I also believe that even if we adopt her, she was still
always meant to be our child. Your story proves what I have always believed
- you must know that your son was definitely meant to be yours! I will never
forget your story and I appreciate you for sharing. jackie